Friday, April 29, 2011

blog post #8

Williams, Christine L. "The glass Escalator: Hidden advantages for men in the "Female" Professions". Men's  

      lives, 5th ed. S Kimmel and Michael A. Messner, Ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon,  2001, 211-224, Print

   It   is strange to see a man doing a woman job,but when it comes to happen men have much more advantages in the promotion field.This reading   arguments men "advantages" when it comes to the job campus.It talks about the "Glass Escalator Effect"  easier for men for men to fit inside a woman profession.It also talks about how easy men can get promote into higher positions within women jobs and careers .
    This reading is a  is research paper which is based on a lot of hard work and interviews to many different kind of people passing through similar situations.Williams' uses a lot of reliable references that help him develop his topic.
       I think that this article is well done and that Williams' statement after all his research are pretty accurate.In this day we are founding more and more men taking up on women professions.After he "conducted in-depth interviews with 76 men and 3 women in four occupations from 1985-1991"(william212).He well proved that even though we can not see it because it is invisible,there is a glass escalator for men within and without women careers.

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