Friday, June 3, 2011

Course Reflection

1). One assignment that i consider fun to do was the picture analysis, because the person i talk about was my father and ask him to let me take a picture of him and i got to see him posing all masculine for the photograph and picking up his glasses and hat,putting them on and everything, i think it was fun.From this assignment i learn that it is important to play attention to every detail of everything, it could be a thing, person or animal,but observing carefully and making good references is better rather then judging or making conclusion without any idea.

2).There was not a assignment that i did not care for, because i put hard work in all of them but one that was more relax for me in which i did not care that much about, was the second research paper, because since it was in group i had less work.Therefore,  I did not have to think too much or think too much.

3).I dod think that blogger was a useful tool for this class, because it gave me more facilities for doing my work, i had the chance to go to work and be able to do my homework and assignments when i arrive home.It was also very helpful in the way that in the class blog we have the class readings plus additional help in grammar and other things.

4).There was one assignment that i really like to do more of. It was the second research paper,because i wish i had more time to work with my two classmate and develop more our paper.

Friday, May 20, 2011

blog post # 11

-Friend: hello cristhiam, how are you?
-Cristhiam: I'm good, how about you?...How was the party last night?
-Friend: Amazing! the best night of my life...
-Cristhiam: Oh really! tell me what happened last night i see shine on your eyes.
-Friend: Last night at the club i met the cutest guy ever...omg! it was love at first sight.
-Cristhiam: Tell me more, how does he looks?, did he talk to you? and does he feel the same way?
-Friend: yes, yes. yes!..He is gorgeous and has the cutest eyes i ever seem in my life and yes, he did approached to me and talk to me and by the way i do think he feel the same ways as me. I mean the way he talked to me make me feel so.
-Cristhiam: Are you sure. I mean what did tell you?
-Friend: He said that i looked beautiful and that i was prettiest girl he has ever seem in his life and also he told me that i got a nice body, but the most important thing is that he asked for my number.
-Cristhiam: Did you give it to him?
-Friend: Obviously yes, why not? never know when you are going to have the chance of meeting a good looking man that is interesting on you.
-Cristhiam: Well, did you ask him if he has girlfriend?
-Friend: No! why should i do that?...i mean he was at the club with his boyfriends alone, no girls around.
-Cristhiam: Oh that's what you think! never know my dear friend, you never know.
-Friend: No i don't think so, i mean i hope no. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

blog post # 9 Fathering:Paradoxes, Contradiction, and Dilemas

    It is important to have a father figure in a child's life, which teaches him a model figure of masculinity that a woman wont be able to teach him.
    Scott Coltrane says that " when fathers are active in infant care, boys develop an intimate knowledge of masculinity"(433).Boys are always going to need the help of a father in process of becoming men, and who is better then a father who is a man and knows what it takes to become one.If a father is always taking care of his child most of the time and spending time with him, this one is going to automatically capture the idea of masculinity. A father who is responsible for his family support and well being is going to teach his son how to be responsible and provide to his family, and being in charge of the family well-being is a role of masculinity that all men should accomplished.
       On the other hand, there i the idea about women raising a child by her-self, especially a boy, it does not means that women are not able to do it but that a male role model of masculinity is necessary in a boy's life.Coltrane established this idea of a boy missing a father would be like when he says that " when a father is rarely around, boys lack a clear sense of masculinity and construct their identities in opposition to thing feminine by devaluing and criticizing women"(433).This means that boys that has that lack of fatherhood and more of the motherhood in their development as adults, attend to be more soft, in other words mama boys.
            I think that both men and women are necessary in a child life in order them to have a balanced mentally and view of life from both sides, but when talking about masculinity and boy, i'm convince that men role is unreplaceable by anyone. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

blog post #8

Williams, Christine L. "The glass Escalator: Hidden advantages for men in the "Female" Professions". Men's  

      lives, 5th ed. S Kimmel and Michael A. Messner, Ed. New York: Allyn & Bacon,  2001, 211-224, Print

   It   is strange to see a man doing a woman job,but when it comes to happen men have much more advantages in the promotion field.This reading   arguments men "advantages" when it comes to the job campus.It talks about the "Glass Escalator Effect"  easier for men for men to fit inside a woman profession.It also talks about how easy men can get promote into higher positions within women jobs and careers .
    This reading is a  is research paper which is based on a lot of hard work and interviews to many different kind of people passing through similar situations.Williams' uses a lot of reliable references that help him develop his topic.
       I think that this article is well done and that Williams' statement after all his research are pretty accurate.In this day we are founding more and more men taking up on women professions.After he "conducted in-depth interviews with 76 men and 3 women in four occupations from 1985-1991"(william212).He well proved that even though we can not see it because it is invisible,there is a glass escalator for men within and without women careers.

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Friday, April 15, 2011

blog post #7 "chicano men and masculinity"

Maxine B. Zinn states in "Chicano Men and Masculinity" that,"The social science literature views machismo as a compensation for feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness"(25).In this sentence Zinn refers to "Mexican and chicano" men and their masculinity. In my opinion i do not agree with this idea of machismo, which carries out the concept  that subordinated men "are compensate for feelings of internalized inferiority by exaggerate masculinity"(zinn25).I believe that all human being are able to achieve progress no matter the situation that are passing through.If Chicano and mexican men are constantly humiliate and abuse,acting like a macho is not the best way for going along with situation.Carring out this idea is what makes this specific group of men fall more deep into the black whole that society had put them by using "machismo" as the first stereotypes,perhaps the strongest one surrounding Chicano and Mexican men.

Friday, April 8, 2011

block pos t#5Blog post # 5 All Men Are Not Created Equal: Asian Men in U.S. History.

In his reading All men are not created equal Espiritu talks about the interment camps in which were put the Asians during world war II. He talks about how the Asians men were obligated to do women labor in the u.s. Navy,such as cooking,cleaning and doing the laundry for the officials.But we can not compare the Asians situation to the slavery condition in which the African American were into, because they were more subordinated and humiliate and in other hand the Asian were more free,their family never were broke apart like the African Americans.Asians were never treated like beast,torture or castrate, in other words their lives were much more easy and both situation are incomparable.In black men this event caused black men to be slightly affective,they don't like to show their feelings to the fullest and in the other side the effect in Asian masculinity is that even today Asians men are looked at for being involve in women labors and there  are many stereotypes towards them and most of them are  suppose to be develop by women.  

Friday, April 1, 2011

Who's tthe man?

In the "Male myth " by Theroux , we come across  a man who has a  view of what masculinity is.He present society opinion that being a man is just about being rude and jerks or demand respect.Thesameof this is established in "The black man: searching beyond stereotypes " by Marables, which compare to Theroux view that men are tough  to be all the same, because it shows a  kind of men that like things to be the way they want and  demand respect to their superior position.Also a men which controls their emotions and feelings.Both man are equally masculine,because they follow the same rule in society, because if a man is different from the rest, is going to  be look at something else but as a man.

Marable,Manning."The black male:searching beyond stereotypes".Men's lives.Ed Michael S. Kimmel and  Michael A. Messner, 5 ed, New York: Allyn and Bacon,2001.17-23.print

Paul,Theroux."The male myth" Across Cultures: A Reader for Writers.Ed. Sheena Gillespie and Robert Becker 7 ed,New York: Pearson Longman,2008.101-105.Print

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

post #4 stereotypes

stereotypes had always play an important role in history.The pass of time is what builds up many of  them, in this case referring to the issue that black men and woman, and white women as well.The oppression,prejudice and racism.In the reading "The black male: searching beyond stereotypes", we come across the struggle of those who wanted to be on top.The dilemma back there was that the white men were on top followed by the white women, then black men and last black women.whites men wanted to keep their supremacy over the black men, thus they humiliated them by treating they just as simple slave and taking away their masculinity by castrating them.White women used to see black men as wild animals.The image they had of them was the one which put them as raping beast and last black women were oppressed by their husband which used to release their oppression toward their wives.There was a point consider as advance by black men the one when they obtain the right to vote in the fifteenth amendment,this last one changed the view of the scheme in society, because it put white women under black male and this issue generated troubles between black men and white women, while black women were fighting to raise their children and keeping their families together.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

post #3 "the male myth"

 Paul Theroux talks in "The male myth", about what most people think about a male writer. On his reading he included the opinion that "one cannot be a male writer without first proving that one is a man".(103).This opinion that writing is not manly enough for a man is based in the fact that writing is more feminine than masculine, for example;writing includes having imagination,feelings,emotions,being creative and having a poor salary,compare to the salary a man should have to support the family etc.A male writer must be a "journalist" in order to practice this profession.This ideas mentioned, linked to the one that all men must play sports are to the "disliked" of Theroux and contribute for him hating the fact of being a man due to the part were he is being obligate to prove it.Theroux talks about his experience with the sports,he explain why he doesn't like sports.He explains it saying that  sports are "wasteful and humiliating" ; if we think about it when he says that is because he like writing instead of playing any sports,thus,  since it was disapproved for men he "disliked" it so much.

Monday, March 21, 2011


on   "a night to his day" Lobers talks about how genders are represented in society.What this reading does is to give a list check of the role that each gender are consider to occupy in society ; females and males are judged differently, and also it  try to show  that those rolse each gender had assign by society as their daily labors are changing throughout the pass of the time.He shows that men are not afraid to do thing that were think to be part of a woman life anymore  .Also he talks about we having a kind of  life schedule, an organize life according to our gender; males are stronger  than females it is a basic rule between genders which  are the base of society. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

blog you think men are born or made?

      I used to think that men were born just as a girl is born, but the reading made me change my mind a little bit, because it seems that since the moment that a egg-cell is fertilize, men have the challenge of being made. First of all, is that the "sex-Determining Gene" has to be active in order to be a man. This is like if  men just don't happen naturally. A man requires  lot of  things in order to be one, for example hormones.
      Do think men are made?, yes, but naturally fighting themselves  to become men , and not to let the SDY to fail,  not made by science, artificial. In this case men are fighting towards nature , they are fighting for the right of becoming what they really want to be, not what others  want them to. It is a normal process the strongest gene win. Thus, is what i stick to that men are made but from the beginning,they are made from the inside once a the baby is out there's nothing i believe that can change what it is, a man is both made and born.